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CPES Meeting: Regulatory Structures 2.0

DSC08477Our April 8, 2015 CPES meeting featured a frank and insightful discussion of Connecticut’s regulatory structure two years after a major restructuring. The panel discussed how Governor Malloy organized PURA within DEEP, how that structure is working in practice and what the PURA commissioners, legislators and the Malloy administration might consider for changes in the future. Our panel:

  • Lee Hoffman – Chair of Pullman and Comley’s Regulatory, Energy, and Telecommunications Department.
  • Stephen Humes – Partner at Holland and Knight, Stephen focuses on environmental, energy, public utilities and infrastructure.
  • Melissa Biggs – Managing partner with DePino, Nunez, & Biggs, a Government Affairs and Lobby Practice in Connecticut.
  • Alexndra Isaac – General Counsel at Starion Energy, Moderator

DSC08453CPES Preident Joey Lee Miranda held the CPES Annual Meeting where she outlined some achievements for the 2014 and some great new membership services on the horizon.