CPES Policy Committee Update: November 14, 2016

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Paul Brady, CPES Executive Director, via email: pbrady@ctpower.org.

This week’s feature:

  • ISO-NE Submits Info on Forward Capacity Auction #11


ISO-New England Submits Informational Filing for Forward Capacity Auction #11

On November 8, 2016, ISO New England submitted an informational filing to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the eleventh Forward Capacity Auction (FCA #11). The auction will begin on February 6, 2017, and will procure the capacity resources needed for the New England control area for the 2020-2021 Capacity Commitment Period. The informational filing includes the ISO’s determinations regarding the qualification of resources for FCA #11. It also includes locational capacity requirements based upon the topology of the transmission system, and specifically which capacity zones are to be modeled in the auction.

In a separate filing, the ISO submitted the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR)-related values for the 2020-2021 Capacity Commitment Period for review.