CPES hosted our 2025 Annual Legislative Preview on February 19 from 5:30-9:00 PM at UConn School of Law in partnership with the Connecticut Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and the Energy, Public Utility and Communications Law Section.
Esteemed professionals explored the energy and environmental priorities for Connecticut’s 2025 Legislative Session, including energy affordability and efficiency, energy supply and transportation, regulation of pollution cleanup, permitting for environmental zones, and more.
5:30 PM: Registration and Networking (hors d’oeuvres and cash bar)
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Opening Remarks and Panel Discussion
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Networking Reception (hors d’oeuvres and cash bar)
Featured Speakers:
Moderator: Lee Hoffman, Pullman & Comley
Senator Norm Needleman
Representative Jonathan Steinberg
Representative Tracy Marra
Deputy Commissioner Emma Cimino, CT DEEP
Brendan Schain, CT DEEP
1.5 CLE credit eligible
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