Tag Archives: Awards

CPES Celebrated the Holidays at the Society Room in Downtown Hartford

“CPES events are great networking opportunities for people in the energy industry.”
– Bruce McDermott, Partner, Murtha Cullina

On December 13, 2016, the Connecticut Power and Energy Society (CPES) invited energy professionals to the Society Room in Downtown Hartford for networking and an address from the recently appointed Chair of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), Katie Dykes.

PURA Chair Katie Dykes and CPES President Joey Lee Miranda

Dykes, appointed by Governor Malloy on October 27 and elected Chair of the three-member authority on October 31, shared insights from her first few weeks on the bench. She expressed appreciation for the new ways PURA finds to engage with stakeholders, whether through publicly-noticed stakeholder groups or formally docketed proceedings. She spoke of the pivotal decisions the region is facing with regard to potential wholesale market changes to accommodate and achieve the New England states’ public policy objectives. She also touched on PURA’s role in tackling issues relating to electric transmission and distribution infrastructure, observing the significant amount of distributed generation being added to the grid.    

Commissioner Michael Caron receiving award from RESA’s New England Chair Marc Hanks

Following Chair Dykes’ remarks, the Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA) awarded its 2016 Champion-of-Choice Award to PURA Commissioner Michael Caron. Caron was recognized for his leadership on the bench and ongoing commitment to competitive retail markets.

Paul Brady, retiring CPES Executive Director, and Kathryn Dube, the society’s new Executive Director


To conclude the evening, CPES honored retiring Executive Director Paul Brady and introduced Kathryn Dube as the Society’s new executive director. 



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CPES Board Member to Receive Good Scout Award

1503-9927Where:  IL Monticello, 577 South Broad St, Meriden, CT
When:   May 12, 2016,  5:30 – 7:15 p.m. Cocktail

The Boy Scouts of America Connecticut Yankee Council is recognizing CPES board member Fred Klein with its Good Scout Award. Fred will be honored May 12 in Meriden at the Boy Scouts’ 8th Annual STEM/Environment Award Reception.

This event recognizes individuals whose leadership to Connecticut’s Energy, Utility and Environmental industries builds a better world for future generations of young people.

For more information, please click here.

Proceeds benefit local workforce development, environmental stewardship, and leadership growth programs of the Boy Scouts of America.