Tag Archives: Connecticut Power and Energy

CPES Policy Committee Update: January 3, 2018

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:


On December 29, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

  • Docket No. 17-12-50:  REQUEST TO ESTABLISH 14 NEW REOPENED DOCKETS ON PURA’S OWN MOTION  PURA initiates this consolidated reopening of public service company rate proceedings to investigate the impact of the [newly enacted federal Tax Cuts And Jobs Act] provisions on federal income tax currently allowed in each utility’s rates charged, as well as the impact on accrued liabilities and any other provision of the [Tax Cuts And Jobs Act] deemed relevant.


The Legislature is scheduled to go into special session on Friday, January 5th at 10:30am to address funding for the Medicare Savings Program 

CPES Policy Committee Update: December 27, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:

  • PURA Established a Docket Concerning the PURA Review of Electric Companies’ and Electric Distribution Companies’ Plans for Maintenance of Transmission and Distribution Overhead and Underground Lines 
  • PURA Established a Docket Concerning the Annual Review of Connecticut Electric Suppliers’ and Electric Distribution Companies’ Compliance with Connecticut’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards in the Year 2015 – Reconsideration of BlueRock Energy Inc.’s Compliance 
  • PURA Established a Docket Concerning the Application of SmartEnergy Holdings, LLC for a Connecticut Electric Supplier License 


On December 18, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

On December 20, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

On December 21, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

CPES Policy Committee Update: December 19, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:

  • Millstone Finances Expected To Be Strong In Coming Years



The Millstone nuclear plant in Waterford is expected to be profitable, according to a state report examining whether Connecticut’s sole plant is able to remain in business. 
The Millstone Power Station is expected to be profitable for years to come, according to preliminary results released Thursday from a study that Gov. Dannel P. Malloy ordered to determine if it can operate in energy markets increasingly dominated by natural gas. The report, issued by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, said that under various market conditions the present value of Millstone’s cash flow from 2021 through 2035 is expected to be between $1.3 billion and about $2.4 billion. Even at the low end, Connecticut’s sole nuclear plant should remain “deep in the black,” the study said. The financial results show Millstone “is likely to operate profitably from the early 2020s through the mid-2030s,” the report said. 

Hartford Courant article
CT MIrror article

CPES Policy Committee Update: December 13, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:

  • Secretary Perry Grants FERC 30-Day Extension on Grid Resiliency Pricing Proposal


Secretary Perry Grants FERC 30-Day Extension on Grid Resiliency Pricing Proposal
On December 8, 2017, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Rick Perry granted the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) a 30-day extension to act on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) issued by DOE on September 28.  The DOE proposal directs FERC to impose rules on Commission-approved ISOs and RTOs “to ensure that the reliability and resiliency attributes of generation with on-site fuel supplies are fully valued.”  The proposal specified that the Commission was to take action on the proposed rule within sixty days of its publication in the Federal Register, which occurred on October 10, 2017.  In his letter to Secretary Perry, FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre requested a 30-day extension, noting that the Commission had added two members in the past two weeks and received more than 1,500 comments on the DOE proposal.  For McIntyre, an extension was “critical to afford adequate time for the new Commissioners to consider the voluminous record and engage fully in deliberations.”

The extension granted by Secretary Perry gives FERC until January 10 to act on the DOE proposal.    

CPES Policy Committee Update: December 5, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:

  • ISO New England Releases Its 2017/2018 Winter Outlook
  • Dominion Submits Confidential Financial Data


ISO New England Releases Its 2017/2018 Winter Outlook
On November 30, ISO New England issued its winter outlook press release, noting that the “New England power system is expected to have the resources needed to meet consumer demand for electricity this winter.” However, the ISO also cautions that “power system operations could become challenging if demand is higher than projected, if the region loses a large generator or electricity import facility, or when natural gas pipeline constraints limit the fuel available to natural-gas-fired power plants. In those instances, the ISO could be required to implement special operating procedures to maintain reliability.”

The ISO forecasts peak demand, assuming normal winter temperatures of about 7 degrees Fahrenheit, of 21,197 MW. However, that demand could grow to 21,895 MW if extreme winter weather of 2°F occurs. For more information, visit the ISO Newswire.


Dominion Submits Confidential Financial Data
Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. has submitted confidential financial data regarding its Millstone Power Station in response to data requests previously issued by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). The requests were issued as part of the DEEP and PURA Joint Proceeding to Implement the Governor’s Executive Order Number 59. The joint proceeding is examining the financial viability of the Millstone Power Station and exploring the potential for state-sponsored price support. A draft report is due from DEEP/PURA December 19, 2017.