Tag Archives: Electricity

CPES Policy Committee Update: February 28, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s features:

  • ISO New England Releases 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook
  • New Docket Established by PURA
  • Connecticut Legislative Update
  • Governor’s Bill includes an Act Promoting Fuel Cell Use


ISO New England Releases 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook

ISO New England has released the 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook (REO), an annual report that examines the challenges and trends impacting New England’s power system. The REO explains the innovative solutions the ISO and regional stakeholders are pursuing to ensure reliable electricity for the region’s homes and businesses—today and into the future.

The ISO has also created new webpages that highlight and expand on the information and statistics contained in the report.


On February 23, 2017, PURA established the following docket:


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The following raised bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • Raised S.B. 777: AN ACT CONCERNING THE BIODIESEL BLEND REQUIREMENT FOR HEATING OIL.  To alter the timing and delay provisions concerning the biodiesel blend requirement for heating oil.
  • Raised S.B. 860: AN ACT CONCERNING CONTRACTS FOR ZERO EMISSION RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS AND LOW-EMISSION RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS.  To require electric distribution companies to solicit long-term contracts for zero emission renewable energy credits and low-emission renewable energy credits for an additional year.
  • Raised S.B. 861: AN ACT CONCERNING RATEPAYER IMPACT STATEMENTS.  To require a ratepayer impact statement on bills which, if passed, would have a financial impact on electric ratepayers.
  • Raised S.B. 862: AN ACT CONCERNING THE PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY’S REVIEW OF CLAIMS ARISING FROM CONTRACTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE AUTHORITY.  To permit the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to review claims arising from contracts the authority previously approved.
  • Raised S.B. 863: AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF TRASH-TO-ENERGY FACILITIES AS A COMPONENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY STRATEGY.  To require the study of the viability of trash-to-energy facilities as a component of the Comprehensive Energy Strategy.
  • Raised S.B. 899: AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENTS, ENERGY ADJUSTMENT CHARGES OR CREDITS AND TRANSMISSION RATES.  To no longer require the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to hold a hearing for certain adjustments, unless a hearing is requested by a company, interested person or member of the public.
  • Raised S.B. 900: AN ACT CONCERNING MINOR REVISIONS TO ELECTRIC SUPPLIER COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS AND ADVERTISING AND CONTRACT PROVISIONS AND THE PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY’S REPORTING OF ELECTRIC RATES.  To make minor changes regarding electric supplier compliance with environmental laws, renewable portfolio standards and advertising and contract requirements and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority report regarding electric rates.
  • Raised H.B. 7012: AN ACT REQUIRING INFORMATION ON THE STATE’S ENERGY COSTS COMPETITIVENESS AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY STRATEGY.  To assess progress in reducing electricity and other energy costs and make recommendations to improve Connecticut’s competitive position.
  • Raised H.B. 7104: AN ACT CONCERNING RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARD COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS.  To no longer permit suppliers and electric distribution companies to make up renewable energy portfolio deficiencies within the first three months of the succeeding calendar year.
  • Raised H.B. 7107: AN ACT CONCERNING THE INVESTMENT AND USE OF REGIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS ACCOUNT FUNDS.  To broaden the types of energy investments authorized for the proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative auctions.
  • Raised H.B. 7140: AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF CLASS I RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES THAT SUPPORT THE STATE’S COMPREHENSIVE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY.  To require the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to conduct a study regarding the adequacy of baseload Class I renewable energy sources that manage the state’s biomass waste stream in accordance with the state’s Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy.

The following Governor’s bill may be of interest to our membership:

  • Governor’s H.B. 7036: AN ACT PROMOTING THE USE OF FUEL CELLS FOR ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BENEFITS AND RELIABILITY.  To implement the Governor’s budget recommendations.

CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES 2017 Legislative Preview: Nuclear Power, the Utility of the Future, and the Affordability of Electricity

January 18, 2017 Legislative Preview: Nuclear Power, the Utility of the Future, and the Affordability of Electricity Are Considered Priorities This Session

On January 18, 2017,  the Connecticut Power and Energy Society (CPES), the Connecticut Bar Association’s (CBA) Energy, Public Utility and Communications Section, and the Renewable Energy and Efficiency Business Association (REEBA) hosted the annual Connecticut General Assembly legislative preview with leadership from the Energy and Technology Committee. House Chair Lonnie Reed, Senate Co-Chair Paul Formica, and Ranking Member Laura Hoydick participated on behalf of the committee, sharing insights on the upcoming legislative session and where they plan to focus their efforts this year. The legislators informed attendees that the committee will hold an informational session on January 24, 2017 to hear from key stakeholders on some of the pressing issues facing the state.

As for priorities, Senator Formica said that nuclear power and the viability of Millstone Nuclear Power Station will be a major area of focus this session. According to Formica, the 2,100 megawatt (MW) plant employs more than 1,000 employees and accounts for billions of dollars’ worth of economic benefits. Its carbon-free energy, he said, is an important part of the bridge to a renewable energy future. Addressing the changes affecting the traditional electric utility business model (dubbed “Utility 2.0”) and the affordability of electricity are also considered priorities this session. Representative Reed also spoke of plans to examine Connecticut’s energy “ecosystem” to determine where renewable resources and distributed forms of electricity can be better sited throughout the state.

Finally, the committee members all stressed the importance of working together and forming partnerships to advance the interests of Connecticut. They noted that solving the state’s budgetary issues and advancing a business-friendly atmosphere were important ways to grow jobs and attract investment in the state. According to the state’s Office of Fiscal Analysis, Connecticut faces an estimated $1.4 billion budget deficit for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!