CPES Policy Committee Update: November 5, 2019

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals Committee or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

In this Update:

  • PURA Announces Grid Mod “Solutions Days” for AMI, ZEVs, storage, energy affordability
  • ISO-NE Issues 10-Year Power System Plan for Region
  • Next Consumer Liaison Group Meeting December 5, Boston
  • CommonWealth Magazine: Mass. picks lowest-price offshore wind option


PURA Announces Grid Mod “Solutions Days” for AMI, ZEVs, storage, energy affordability
See the following notices for more information and how to participate:


ISO-NE Issues 10-Year Power System Plan for Region
ISO New England today issued its 2019 Regional System Plan (RSP), the biennial report that lays the foundation for long-term power-system planning in New England. Read the press release and report.

Next Consumer Liaison Group Meeting December 5, Boston
The next meeting of the Consumer Liaison Group (CLG) will be held on December 5 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston, MA. The CLG will be celebrating its tenth anniversary with the theme: What We Learned in Our First Decade and What We Can Expect in the Second.

CommonWealth Magazine: Mass. picks lowest-price offshore wind option