Tag Archives: Legislature

CPES Policy Committee Update: July 10, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s feature:

  • Summer 2017 Update on Regional Transmission Investment
  • Office of Legislative Research Report on Acts Affecting Energy & Utilities
  • Three New PURA Dockets

Summer 2017 Update on Regional Transmission Investment
ISO New England recently published the June 2017 update to the Regional System Plan (RSP) Project List, which details Pool Transmission Facility (PTF) projects needed to ensure reliability in New England. Since the March 2017 update, 2 projects plus a portion of a third were cancelled, 16 upgrades were placed in service across Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, and 2 new projects were added to the list. Additionally, some project cost estimates changed, and in-service dates for 4 projects were moved into 2022.

Since 2002, a cumulative total of 730 project components representing an investment of $8.4 billion have been placed into service to help ensure that New England’s transmission system continues to reliably and efficiently move electricity across the region.

For more information, visit the ISO Newswire.


On June 27, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

On June 28, 2017, PURA established the following docket:

On June 29, 2017, PURA established the following docket:


The Office of Legislative Research recently released the special report on Acts Affecting Energy & Utilities.

The 2017 Regular Session adjourned on June 7, 2017.  Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

 CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES Policy Committee Update: June 27, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s feature:

  • ISO New England Releases Latest Version of Wholesale Markets Project Plan
  • Two Legislative Updates Concerning PURA Administrative Hearings and Audit Reports


ISO New England Releases Latest Version of Wholesale Markets Project Plan
The June update to ISO New England’s Wholesale Markets Project Plan (WMPP) is now online. The WMPP provides a biannual update on the market-related activities described in the ISO’s Annual Work Plan (AWP), as well as updates on additional market-related activities pursued by the ISO.

To view the updated WMPP, visit the ISO New England website.



The 2017 Regular Session adjourned on June 7, 2017.  Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The following legislation has been signed by the Governor that may be of interest to our members:

CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES Policy Committee Update: June 6, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s feature:

  • New England’s Wholesale Electricity Markets Were Competitive in 2016
  • Drift Is a New Startup Applying Peer-to-Peer Trading to Retail Electricity Markets
  • Eversource Energy to Buy Aquarion in $1.68 Billion Deal
  • PURA established a docket for the Application of The Southern Connecticut Gas Company to Increase Its Rates and Charges
  • Sub. Sen. Bill 900 passed in both chambers over the weekend


New England’s Wholesale Electricity Markets Were Competitive in 2016

The 2016 Annual Markets Report (AMR), issued by ISO New England’s Internal Market Monitor (IMM), concluded that New England’s wholesale power markets were competitive in 2016. The 2016 AMR covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2016, and contains the IMM’s analyses of market operations and results.

The total value of the region’s wholesale electricity markets, including the cost of electric energy, capacity, ancillary services, and the cost of transmission services and upgrades, fell by about $1.7 billion, or 18%, from roughly $9.3 billion in 2015 to roughly $7.6 billion in 2016.

The total value of the region’s wholesale electric energy market in 2016 was $4.1 billion, which is 30% lower than the 2015 value of $5.9 billion. The 2016 electric energy market value was the lowest since 2003, when New England’s wholesale energy markets were launched in their current form. Over that same time period, the previous record-low market value was $5.2 billion in 2012

The decline in wholesale power prices mirrored a 34% year-over-year decline in the average price of natural gas, which is the fuel used most often to generate electricity in New England. Natural-gas-fired power plants produced 49% of the power generated in New England last year.

The full report is available on ISO New England’s website.

Drift Is a New Startup Applying Peer-to-Peer Trading to Retail Electricity Markets
The company is taking all the hottest tech in Silicon Valley and bringing it to New York’s retail energy market.

A Seattle-based startup is taking some of the most talked-about technology applications — machine learning, high-frequency trading, and peer-to-peer selling — and applying them to retail energy markets.

The 15-person company, called Drift, is attempting to change electricity delivery in deregulated markets by connecting consumers directly to energy producers on a cryptographically secure system (think blockchain), allowing it to granularly match a customer’s environmental or cost preferences.

Drift is made up of engineers who’ve worked at Amazon, Google and Microsoft; a data scientist from Argonne National Laboratory; a head of marketing from Uber; and a former FERC attorney.

Greg Robinson, the co-founder and CEO, said the platform was designed to “ruthlessly lower costs in the supply chain” and provide a more customized experience for people looking for energy choice.


Eversource Energy to Buy Aquarion in $1.68 Billion Deal
On June 2nd, The Hartford Courant reported that Eversource Energy had announced they had reached an agreement to buy Aquarion Water Co. for $1.68 billion, combining New England’s largest electric and gas utility with a dominant water company in Connecticut. MORE INFO


On May 26, 2017, PURA established the following docket:



Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The Energy and Technology Committee’s JF deadline was March 23, 2017.  The list of bills reported out of the Energy and Technology Committee is available at:  https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/CommJFList.asp?comm_code=et and additional information about the status of these bills is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2017/etdata/cbr/et.asp

Sub. Sen. Bill 900 passed in both chambers over the weekend.  Below is the title of the bill and two links to find the language.


CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES Policy Committee Update: April 3, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by the CPES New Energy Professionals Team. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s features:

  • ISO New England Releases Draft 2017-2026 Load Forecast Showing Energy Usage Declining Slightly and Peak Demand Remaining Flat
  • New England States Committee on Electricity Releases Scenario Analysis Report
  • CT DEEP has issued a revised Request for Proposals
  • The Energy and Technology Committee’s JF deadline was March 23, 2017


ISO New England Releases Draft 2017-2026 Load Forecast Showing Energy Usage Declining Slightly and Peak Demand Remaining Flat

Every year, ISO New England develops a projection of how much electricity the region will use and how high demand will peak during each of the next 10 years. The 10-year forecast is a key system planning tool, helping ensure New England has an adequate supply of resources to meet future demand, and a transmission system that can do the job of carrying power to residents and businesses.

The draft long-term forecast for 2017 to 2026 projects that energy usage will decline slightly in New England and peak demand will remain flat over the 10-year period. The primary factors are continuing robust installation of energy-efficiency measures and behind-the-meter solar arrays throughout the region, as well as a slightly lower forecast for economic growth in New England.

For more information, visit the ISO Newswire.

New England States Committee on Electricity Releases Scenario Analysis Report

The New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) has released the first portion of a two-phase economic analysis of a variety of hypothetical renewable and clean energy futures in New England. NESCOE characterized the analysis as “one piece of information, together with other studies, data and information produced by [ISO New England], individual states, and market participants that may inform policymakers’ consideration of issues related to New England’s competitive wholesale electric market and hypothetical resource futures.” NESCOE also said that it “welcomes from market participants or others any facts or data that clarify, correct, or should be considered in reviewing the study results.”

For more information, visit the NESCOE website.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) has issued a revised Request for Proposals (“RFP”) regarding  the Shared Clean Energy Facility Pilot Program pursuant to Public Act 15-113. The revised RFP seeks to align the definition of core forest with the responses to questions received. The revised RFP is available here.


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The Energy and Technology Committee’s JF deadline was March 23, 2017.  The list of bills reported out of the Energy and Technology Committee is available at:  https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/CommJFList.asp?comm_code=et and additional information about the status of these bills is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2017/etdata/cbr/et.asp

CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES Policy Committee Update: February 28, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s features:

  • ISO New England Releases 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook
  • New Docket Established by PURA
  • Connecticut Legislative Update
  • Governor’s Bill includes an Act Promoting Fuel Cell Use


ISO New England Releases 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook

ISO New England has released the 2017 Regional Electricity Outlook (REO), an annual report that examines the challenges and trends impacting New England’s power system. The REO explains the innovative solutions the ISO and regional stakeholders are pursuing to ensure reliable electricity for the region’s homes and businesses—today and into the future.

The ISO has also created new webpages that highlight and expand on the information and statistics contained in the report.


On February 23, 2017, PURA established the following docket:


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The following raised bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • Raised S.B. 777: AN ACT CONCERNING THE BIODIESEL BLEND REQUIREMENT FOR HEATING OIL.  To alter the timing and delay provisions concerning the biodiesel blend requirement for heating oil.
  • Raised S.B. 860: AN ACT CONCERNING CONTRACTS FOR ZERO EMISSION RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS AND LOW-EMISSION RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS.  To require electric distribution companies to solicit long-term contracts for zero emission renewable energy credits and low-emission renewable energy credits for an additional year.
  • Raised S.B. 861: AN ACT CONCERNING RATEPAYER IMPACT STATEMENTS.  To require a ratepayer impact statement on bills which, if passed, would have a financial impact on electric ratepayers.
  • Raised S.B. 862: AN ACT CONCERNING THE PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY’S REVIEW OF CLAIMS ARISING FROM CONTRACTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE AUTHORITY.  To permit the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to review claims arising from contracts the authority previously approved.
  • Raised S.B. 863: AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF TRASH-TO-ENERGY FACILITIES AS A COMPONENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY STRATEGY.  To require the study of the viability of trash-to-energy facilities as a component of the Comprehensive Energy Strategy.
  • Raised S.B. 899: AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENTS, ENERGY ADJUSTMENT CHARGES OR CREDITS AND TRANSMISSION RATES.  To no longer require the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to hold a hearing for certain adjustments, unless a hearing is requested by a company, interested person or member of the public.
  • Raised S.B. 900: AN ACT CONCERNING MINOR REVISIONS TO ELECTRIC SUPPLIER COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS AND ADVERTISING AND CONTRACT PROVISIONS AND THE PUBLIC UTILITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY’S REPORTING OF ELECTRIC RATES.  To make minor changes regarding electric supplier compliance with environmental laws, renewable portfolio standards and advertising and contract requirements and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority report regarding electric rates.
  • Raised H.B. 7012: AN ACT REQUIRING INFORMATION ON THE STATE’S ENERGY COSTS COMPETITIVENESS AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY STRATEGY.  To assess progress in reducing electricity and other energy costs and make recommendations to improve Connecticut’s competitive position.
  • Raised H.B. 7104: AN ACT CONCERNING RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARD COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS.  To no longer permit suppliers and electric distribution companies to make up renewable energy portfolio deficiencies within the first three months of the succeeding calendar year.
  • Raised H.B. 7107: AN ACT CONCERNING THE INVESTMENT AND USE OF REGIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS ACCOUNT FUNDS.  To broaden the types of energy investments authorized for the proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative auctions.
  • Raised H.B. 7140: AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF CLASS I RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES THAT SUPPORT THE STATE’S COMPREHENSIVE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY.  To require the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to conduct a study regarding the adequacy of baseload Class I renewable energy sources that manage the state’s biomass waste stream in accordance with the state’s Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy.

The following Governor’s bill may be of interest to our membership:

  • Governor’s H.B. 7036: AN ACT PROMOTING THE USE OF FUEL CELLS FOR ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BENEFITS AND RELIABILITY.  To implement the Governor’s budget recommendations.

CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.