Tag Archives: Legislature

CPES Policy Committee Update: January 30, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org

This week’s features:

  • ISO New England Releases State and Regional Energy Profiles
  • Connecticut Legislation: Nineteen Bills of Interest


ISO New England Releases State and Regional Energy Profiles

ISO New England has updated its state and regional energy profiles, providing the latest information on supply and demand resources tied into the New England electric grid and state policies transforming the resource mix. The profiles are available on the ISO’s Key Grid and Market Stats webpage.

  • New England Power Grid 2016-2017 Regional Profile
    Key grid and market stats relating to sources of electricity production, the impact of energy-efficiency and behind-the-meter solar photovoltaic (PV) resources on electricity demand, generator retirements and proposed generation, transmission needed for reliability, imports of power from neighboring power systems, and renewable energy
  • New England Power Grid 2016-2017 State Profiles
    State-specific facts and figures relating to supply and demand resources, proposed generation, electricity demand growth, generator retirements, renewable portfolio standards, greenhouse gas reduction goals, growth of solar PV resources, and rankings for energy-efficiency efforts.


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The following proposed bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • H.B. 6120: AN ACT MAKING RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS HAVE AN EQUAL VALUE. To make renewable energy credits have an equal value.
  • H.B. 6121: AN ACT CONCERNING RAISING THE CAP ON VIRTUAL NET METERING. To raise the cap on virtual net metering.
  • H.B. 6301: AN ACT CONCERNING THE REPAIR OF NATURAL GAS LEAKS WITHIN TWO BUSINESS DAYS OF REPORTING TO THE GAS COMPANY.  To require natural gas leaks to be repaired within two business days of reporting to the gas company.
  • H.B. 6304: AN ACT ESTABLISHING A PILOT PROGRAM FOR A DISTRICT HEATING NETWORK.  To establish a pilot program in Bridgeport for developing a district heating network.
  • H.B. 6306: AN ACT ESTABLISHING A SOLAR-READY CONSTRUCTION STUDY GROUP.  To establish a solar-ready construction study group.
  • H.B. 6307: AN ACT CONCERNING RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS.  To increase the renewable portfolio standard to fifty per cent by 2030.
  • H.B. 6309: AN ACT CONCERNING CONNECTICUT SITING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS WHEN CHANGES WILL BE MADE TO EXISTING STRUCTURES.  To require a public hearing when changes will be made to existing structures.
  • H.B. 6310: AN ACT CONCERNING NATURAL GAS UTILITIES AND NATURAL GAS FROM THE STATE’S ORGANIC WASTE STREAM. To require natural gas utilities to purchase a portion of their supply from resources that produce renewable natural gas from fractions of the state’s organic waste stream..
  • H.B. 6311: AN ACT CONCERNING CONSUMER ACCESS TO AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION PROGRAMS. To provide equal access to energy conservation programs created by the state..
  • H.B. 6312: AN ACT CONCERNING DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEM INCENTIVE PAYMENTS. To change the incentive payment made to district heating system end use customers.
  • H.B. 6544: AN ACT LIFTING THE VIRTUAL NET METERING CAP. To lift the virtual net metering cap.
  • H.B. 6546: AN ACT CONCERNING PROHIBITING SURCHARGES FROM BEING LEVIED ON UTILITY CUSTOMERS TO SUBSIDIZE INTERSTATE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CAPACITY.  To prohibit additional costs on utility customers to subsidize the cost of interstate natural gas pipeline capacity.
  • H.B. 6547: AN ACT CONCERNING A CONNECTICUT GREEN PLAN AND RESOURCE USE INVENTORY FOR ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE.  To determine the best practices for placement of energy infrastructure.
  • H.B. 6548: AN ACT CONCERNING MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES AND RATE DESIGN STUDIES.  To remove requirements regarding municipal electric utilities and rate design studies.
  • S.B. 469: AN ACT CONCERNING REQUIREMENTS FOR NATURAL GAS PRODUCERS AND THE REPAIR OF NATURAL GAS LEAKS.  To add requirements for natural gas producers and require repair of natural gas leaks within two days.
  • S.B. 470: AN ACT CONCERNING NATURAL GAS PRODUCER REQUIREMENTS AND NATURAL GAS LEAK REPAIRS.  To add requirements for natural gas producers and require repair of natural gas leaks within two days.
  • S.B. 539: AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF THE SAFETY OF NATURAL GAS PIPELINES.  To assess the safety of natural gas pipelines.
  • S.B. 630: AN ACT CONCERNING CLEAN AND RENEWABLE ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES AND USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES.  To increase the renewable portfolio standard and better incentivize use of renewable energy sources.

CPES does not take a position on these legislative proposals; this is provided for informational purposes only to CPES members.

CPES Policy Committee Update: January 20, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org

This week’s features:

  • FERC Accepts Capacity Requirements for Eleventh Forward Capacity Auction
  • ISO New England Update on 2016/2017 Winter Reliability Program to Augment Fuel Adequacy in New England
  • The Energy and Technology Committee to Hold Meeting on “A Stakeholders Status Report on Connecticut Energy,”
  • Connecticut Legislation Provides Five Bills of Interest


FERC Accepts Capacity Requirements for Eleventh Forward Capacity Auction
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has accepted ISO New England’s proposed Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR) values to be used in the 11th Forward Capacity Market auction (FCA #11), which commences February 6, 2017. The ICR used in the development of the system-wide and zonal demand curves for FCA #11 is 34,075 megawatts (MW).

This year’s ICR calculations continue to account for the demand-reducing effects of behind-the-meter solar photovoltaic (PV) resources. Using the ISO’s long-term forecast of growth in PV resources, the amount of capacity required in 2020/2021 was reduced by 720 MW.

For more information, visit the ISO Newswire.

ISO New England Update on 2016/2017 Winter Reliability Program
For the fourth year in a row, a winter reliability program is in effect to help augment fuel adequacy in New England. In September 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a program for the winters of 2015/2016 to 2017/2018 to address seasonal reliability challenges created by constraints on New England’s interstate natural gas pipeline system. The previous programs proved to be cost-effective, short-term solutions to help keep the lights on in New England during very cold winter days.

For information on participation in this year’s program, visit the ISO Newswire.


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The Energy and Technology Committee will hold an informational meeting regarding “A Stakeholders Status Report on Connecticut Energy,” on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 1:00 P.M. Room 1D of the LOB.  https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/CGABulletin/Bulletin.asp


The following proposed bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • H.B. 5853: AN ACT CONCERNING ELIMINATING OR RAISING THE VIRTUAL NET METERING CAP.  To encourage expansion of renewable energy projects.
  • S.B. 271: AN ACT CONCERNING MANUFACTURING FACILITIES AND INTERRUPTIBLE NATURAL GAS SERVICE.  To allow certain manufacturing facilities to utilize interruptible natural gas service without a backup fuel.
  • S.B. 372: AN ACT REPEALING CERTAIN ENERGY SOLICITATIONS.  To repeal section 16a-3j regarding certain energy solicitations.
  • S.B. 412: AN ACT RESTRICTING THE USE OF INCENTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR ARRAYS ON AGRICULTURAL LAND.  To restrict the use of incentives for the development of solar arrays on agricultural land to protect farmland against large-scale solar development.

CPES Policy Committee Update: January 17, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org

This week’s features:

  • U.S. Department of Energy Releases Second Installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review
  • CommonWealth Magazine Publishes Opinion Piece on the State of the Region’s Electric Grid
  • Nuclear Energy Institute Releases Analysis on the Economic Impacts of Millstone Nuclear Power Station
  • PURA Releases Five Updates Involving MRCC, Electric Supplier Report, Electric Competition, and Two PURA Reviews
  • Link to the January 13th Energy and Technology Committee Meeting
  • Connecticut Legislative Provides Fourteen Bills of Interest

Regional and Industry Developments

U.S. Department of Energy Releases Second Installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review

On January 6, 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released the second installment of its Quadrennial Energy Review (QER 1.2), examining an array of issues and trends affecting the electric system in North America, from bulk power generation to end user, out to 2040. The report, titled “Transforming the Nation’s Electricity System,” finds that the electric system is a critical and essential national asset and that it is a strategic imperative to protect and enhance the value of the system through modernization and transformation. The QER 1.2 conducts its analysis within the context of three overarching national goals: enhancing economic competitiveness, promoting environmental responsibility, and providing for the nation’s security. 

The report provides 76 recommendations for modernization and transformation that can serve as the building blocks for longer-term, planned changes and activities undertaken in conjunction with state and local governments, policymakers, industry, and other stakeholders.

CommonWealth Magazine Publishes Opinion Piece from ISO New England CEO on the State of the Region’s Electric Grid

On January 10, 2017, CommonWealth Magazine, a public policy-oriented quarterly publication in Massachusetts, published an opinion piece, titled “Grid in the Balance” by Gordon van Welie, ISO New England’s CEO, on the successes and concerns facing the region’s electric grid.

Nuclear Energy Institute Releases Analysis on the Economic Impacts of Millstone Nuclear Power Station

On January 12, 2017, the Nuclear Energy Institute released the results of a study titled, “Economic Impacts of the Millstone Power Station,” which analyzes the plant’s economic benefits today and over the next 15 years. According to the study, between 2016 and 2030, Millstone’s operation will generate more than $12 billion in economic benefits in Connecticut.

For more information, see the full report available here.



On January 10, 2017, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority initiated the following proceedings, which may be of interest to you: 

On January 9, 2017, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority initiated the following proceedings, which may be of interest to you: 


Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/

The following proposed bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • B. 5344: AN ACT CONCERNING SITING COUNCIL PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSIONS. To keep the public updated on the status of projects.
  • B. 5345: AN ACT CONCERNING NOTICE PROVIDED BY THE SITING COUNCIL. To require the Siting Council to provide notice when projects have not been completed within three years.
  • B. 5368: AN ACT ALLOWING BUSINESSES THREE ATTEMPTS TO COMPLY WITH STATE REGULATIONS. To promote businesses by providing “three strikes” to comply with state regulations.
  • B. 5431: AN ACT CONCERNING THE LICENSING OF SOLAR ENERGY INSTALLERS. To establish uniform standards for solar energy installers.
  • B. 5491: AN ACT CONCERNING DEREGULATION OF THE NATURAL GAS MARKET. To allow natural gas customers to choose their natural gas supplier.
  • B. 5492: AN ACT CONCERNING A CITIZEN ADVISORY PANEL FOR ENERGY PROJECTS. To create a Citizen Advisory Panel for energy projects.
  • B. 5506: AN ACT CONCERNING TAX CREDITS FOR ENERGY USE FOR CERTAIN BUSINESSES. To provide energy incentives for certain businesses.
  • B. 5611: AN ACT CONCERNING REDUCING ENERGY COSTS FOR CERTAIN BUSINESSES. To provide energy incentives for certain businesses for the time of start-up.
  • B. 55: AN ACT CONCERNING AN INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR MUNICIPALITIES TO CONVERT STREETLIGHTS TO SOLAR POWER. To create an incentive program for municipalities to convert streetlights to solar power to reduce street lighting electrical expenses in towns.
  • B. 78: AN ACT CONCERNING MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES CREATING JOINT PURCHASING AGENCIES. To allow cooperative purchasing by municipal electric utilities.
  • B. 79: AN ACT REPEALING SECTIONS REGARDING MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ENERGY COOPERATIVES. To repeal sections regarding municipal electric energy cooperatives.
  • B. 106: AN ACT CONCERNING ZERO-CARBON ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES AND ACHIEVING CONNECTICUT’S GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS MANDATED LEVELS. To provide a mechanism for zero-carbon generating facilities to sell power to electric utilities.


CPES Policy Committee Update: January 10, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org

This week’s features:

  • FERC Issues Reliability Primer for Role in Overseeing the Reliable Operation of the Nation’s Interconnected Electric Grid
  • Connecticut Legislation Proposes Bills to Increase Public Awareness and Amend Priorities
  •  Energy and Technology Leadership for 2017 Legislative Session Announced


FERC Issues Reliability Primer on the Nation’s Interconnected Electric Grid

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a Reliability Primer providing an overview of FERC’s role in overseeing the reliable operation of the nation’s interconnected electric grid. The publication describes the basic structure, fundamental concepts, and functions of how the bulk power system operates. According to FERC, the 78-page Reliability Primer is a product of FERC staff and does not reflect the views of the Commission or any individual Commissioner. 



Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/.

The following proposed bills may be of interest to our membership:

  • S.B. 4:  AN ACT CONCERNING MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES AND MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ENERGY COOPERATIVES. To increase public awareness and provide transparency regarding municipal electric utilities and municipal electric energy cooperatives.
  • H.B. 5234:  AN ACT CONCERNING MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ENERGY COOPERATIVES AND NONMEMBER MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES. To require municipal electric energy cooperatives to disclose information to nonmember municipal electric utilities to which they provide services.
  • H.B. 5040:  AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRIORITY OF BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LIENS UNDER THE COMMERCIAL SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PROGRAM. To amend the priority of the benefit assessment lien under the commercial sustainable energy program.

Energy and Technology Leadership for 2017 Legislative Session are as Follows:

  • Chair – Sen. Winfield (D)
  • Chair – Sen. Formica (R)
  • Chair – Rep. Reed (D)
  • Vice Chair – Sen. Doyle (D)
  • Vice Chair – Sen. Hwang (R)
  •  Vice Chair – Rep. Slapp (D)
  • Ranking Member – Rep. Hoydick (R)


The 2017-2018 Massachusetts formal session began on January 4, 2017.

Information about the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, including hearings and bills in committee, is available at: https://malegislature.gov/Committees/Joint/J37

CPES Policy Committee Update: January 3, 2017

This update features policy, regulatory, legislative, and regional developments in Connecticut and New England. The policy updates are compiled by a team recently formed with support from CPES, known as the New Energy Professionals. If you are interested in learning more about the New Energy Professionals, the Policy Committee, or if you have ideas for future policy updates, we would welcome your input and feedback. Please send comments to Kathryn Dube, CPES Executive Director, via email: kdube@ctpower.org.

This week’s features:

  • Turbines are Spinning at the Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm
  • PURA Development of Voluntary Renewable Options Program
  • PURA Review of Electric Companies’ and Electric Distribution Companies’ Plans for Maintenance of Transmission and Distribution Overhead and Underground Lines
  • The Legislature in Connecticut  will convene on January 4, 2017

Regional & Industry Developments

Turbines Are Spinning at the Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm

On December 12, 2016, Deepwater Wind announced that its Block Island Wind Farm had begun delivering electricity to the grid—a historic occasion for both the region and the US. The facility, located 16 miles off the coast of Rhode Island near Block Island, represents the first offshore wind farm in the nation and is paving the way for similar projects to harness New England’s significant offshore wind energy potential. As of December 1, three offshore wind projects representing 2,054 megawatts (MW) were requesting interconnection to the regional power system administered by ISO New England.

For more information on the ISO’s efforts to help integrate more offshore and onshore wind energy in New England, see the ISO Newswire.

Public Utilities Regulatory Authority New Dockets:

On December 20, 2016, PURA established the following docket on its own motion:
Docket No. 16-12-29:  PURA Development of Voluntary Renewable Options Program

On December 27, 2016, The Connecticut Light and Power Company d/b/a Eversource Energy filed its Electric Utility Line Maintenance Plan for 2017, after which PURA established the following docket:
Docket No. 16-12-37:  PURA Review of Electric Companies’ and Electric Distribution Companies’ Plans for Maintenance of Transmission and Distribution Overhead and Underground Lines

Connecticut Legislation:

The 2016 Connecticut regular session ended on May 4, 2016.  The 2017 Connecticut regular session begins January 4, 2017.

Information about the Energy and Technology Committee, including committee meetings and public hearings, is available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/et/